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Midnight Cinderella

Midnight Cinderella

Regular price $19.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $19.00 CAD
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No other country excels in the smallholder context like Burundi. Here – more than any other producer country where we
source - we find true smallholders, some producing coffee on such a small scale that they make more income from their
dairy cow in a day than they do in a year from coffee. This of course carries its risks (when coffee is an afterthought), but,
with the proper partners and washing stations in place, the organization and quality control bears unique, high scoring lots
on both micro and full container scales.
Competition for coffee is fierce in this high altitude region around Buhorwa Washing Station. Buyers from both private
and government-owned stations have had to launch satellite collection centers for farmers who do not live so close to the
station and who may otherwise be enticed to sell to middlemen. Buhorwa Washing Station itself has 3 cherry collection
centers across the dozen or so collines (hills) in the area. . Lots are separated (and cupped) by collection center, by day, in
order to avoid potato and they highlight the very best that Burundi can be.

Quantity: 250g

Format: Roasted Whole Bean

Origin: Burundi

Origin Type: Single Origin

Region: Buhorwa Washing Station

Variety: Bourbon, Jackson Bourbon

Altitude: 1775+ masl 

Process: Washed

Caffeine: Full Caffeine

Brew Method: Filter/espresso

Roast Level: Medium

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